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Developing A Biblical World View


You must keep the vision as the central focus of your life and the lives of the faithful men and women you train. Here are some suggestions on how to do this:

1. Continue to read books with an emphasis on missions and a Biblical world view.

2. Attend mission conferences offered in your area.

3. Keep aware of current world events which affect the spreading of the Gospel and continue to pray for the nations of the world.

4. Keep in direct contact with those laboring in various fields of the world. Their reports will continue to inspire your world vision.

5. Create World Christian Bible studies for your own use and to share with others. A World Christian Bible study is one that focuses on the theme of the world in Scripture. The "For Further Study" section of this chapter will assist you in doing this.


It is not enough just to develop a Biblical world view and communicate it to others. You must act upon what you have learned:

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. (II Timothy 3:16-17)

Every principle of Scripture we learn should equip us to do good works. You have learned many principles in this course, but knowledge without action is like faith without works. If you only learn principles and there is no active response to the knowledge gained, then it is a spiritual dead end. Receiving the vision is not enough. Communicating it to others is not enough. You and those you train must also obey the vision.