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Developing A Biblical World View


Here are some suggestions regarding organization of the committee:


The pastor has authority to guide the committee because he is the head of the church.


Leads the meetings, and organizes and implements activities under the direction of the pastor. He also guides other committee members in fulfilling their responsibilities.


Maintains records of committee meetings, the missions calendar, and handles correspondence. Also maintains a file on each missionary or project in which the church is engaged.

-Fund-raising Chairman:

Directs fund-raising for missions and evangelism.


Prepares and administers the budget for missions and evangelism. Issues funds to missionaries and projects approved by the committee.

-Prayer Chairman:

Keeps aware of prayer needs concerning missions and evangelism and makes both the committee and church members aware of needs and answers to prayer.

-Publicity Chairman:

Prepares publicity for missions and evangelism events including items for the newspaper, radio, television, posters, flyers, church bulletins, and a missions bulletin board. -Training Chairman:

Develops programs of ongoing training to keep the congregation educated on missions and evangelism. A program should be developed for each age group and department in the church. Obtains literature, booklets, tracts and other education materials on missions and evangelism as funds and accessibility permit for the church library and/or audio visual department.