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Developing A Biblical World View

-Conference Chairman:

Plans, promotes, and directs the annual missions conference.

-Chairman Of Local Missions:

Coordinates local outreaches which might include jail, hospital, door to door, street and school ministries, visitation, follow up of new converts and visitors to the church, and specialized ministries such as ministries to drug addicts, unwed mothers, alcoholics, etc. Investigates and recommends projects worthy of support.

-Chairman Of National Missions:

Coordinates events relating to national evangelism and missions. Investigates and recommends individuals and projects worthy of support.

-Chairman Of Foreign Missions:

Coordinates activities relating to foreign evangelism and missions. Investigates and recommends individuals and projects worthy of support.

-Chairman Of Recruitment:

Enlists and directs volunteers for mission and evangelism service.

-Representatives From Church Departments:

Representatives from different church departments that might serve on the committee include women's and men's ministries, the youth department, and the director of the Sunday School.


The evangelism committee should meet on a regular basis to make new plans for evangelism and missions. From your prayer and discussions together, set new objectives for spreading the Gospel of the Kingdom. An objective is a goal. Setting goals will help you achieve your purposes locally, nationally, and internationally. (For further instruction in this area, obtain the Harvestime International Institute course entitled "Management By Objectives").