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Developing A Biblical World View


Study an entire book of the Bible with the Biblical world view in mind. As you have seen in this course, each book of the Bible expresses truths about God's plan for the nations of the world. As you study a specific book, ask yourself these questions:

-What is the purpose of this book in light of God's global cause? How do the events recorded in this book relate to His plan and purposes?

-Who were the main characters in this book? Do a character study on them in relation to their part in Gods' plan. (Use the instructions previously given for "Character Studies.")

-What are the specific verses in this book which speak of the world and God's plans and purposes? (Use the instructions given previously for "Verse Studies.")

-What challenge does this book present to you personally in terms of God's global purpose? How will you actively respond to what you have learned in this book?