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Developing A Biblical World View

As you study each Bible passage, ask these questions:

-What does the passage reveal about God's concern for the nations of the world?

-What does the passage reveal about the world?

-What does the passage reveal about God's interaction with men of all nations?

-What is God’s message to the world as revealed in this passage?

-What does this passage reveal about God’s purpose for the world, Israel, the church, or the individual believer?

-What key words in this passage focus on the world. For example, the word "world" in John 3:16 is an example of such a key word. God's love was focused specifically on the world. This is why he sent Jesus to die for the sins of all mankind.

-Does this passage call for a specific response from believers in relation to reaching the world with the Gospel? What actions are we called upon to take?


Study key Biblical characters in light of their role in God's plan for the world. As you study the life of a Bible personality, ask these questions:

-What specific tasks did God appoint the individual?

-How would these tasks help achieve God's purposes for the world?

-What were the personal characteristics which contributed to or prevented fulfillment of their role as a messenger of God? (The study of Abraham in the "For Further Study" section of Chapter Eight provides an example of a study of personal characteristics)

-How did the person succeed in the tasks God appointed them? -What caused them to succeed?

-How did they fail? What caused their failure? How could these failures have been prevented?

-What can you learn from their experiences which will help you fulfill your own role in God's plan?