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Developing A Biblical World View

God established with Israel a living relationship known as a covenant. This covenant is an

agreement that He is their God, and they are His people. In the Old Testament God's covenant was with Israel:

And I will take you to me for a people, and I will be to you a God; and ye shall know that I am the Lord your God. . . (Exodus 6:7)

In the New Testament, God established a new covenant with all true believers:

After the same manner also He [Jesus] took the cup, when He had supped, saying, This cup is the New Testament in my blood; this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me. (I Corinthians 11:25)


You will learn later how New Testament believers are called the heirs of Abraham. An heir is one who inherits what belongs to another. Like Abraham, we are called to bless the world. But the nations and families of the earth will be blessed only if we go to them with the Gospel.

When God called Abraham, he told him to leave the city of Ur and go to the land "I will show you" (Acts 7:2-3). Abraham took his family and left Ur, but when he came to Haran he settled there (Genesis 11:31).

Every believer is called to leave spiritual lands, places that hinder God's purpose. Some believers may also be called to leave the natural land of their own birth to reach other nations. Every believer will sometime face a "Haran". This is the place of comfort where you have the option to settle in ease or obey God and forge ahead to participate in His plan. Abraham moved on from the line at Haran. Once he crossed it, he never looked back.


Following the story of Abraham in the book of Genesis, the history of the growth and development of the nation of Israel is recorded in the remaining books of law.

God used Israel to reveal His plan for the world:

Genesis 50:20: In Egypt, God raised up Joseph to preserve the nations.

Exodus 8:22: God brought Israel out of Egypt to demonstrate He was God of the earth.

Exodus 9:29: The plagues in Egypt were designed to reveal God's power.

Exodus 33:16: God's presence with Israel demonstrated His reality to the nations.