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Developing A Biblical World View

Exodus 34:10: God was continually at work in Israel so all people among whom they dwelt would see the work of the Lord.

Leviticus 20:23: Israel was to be an example to the nations and not follow their evil ways.

Leviticus 19:24: Israel was to share the love of God with other nations.

Numbers 14:21: God's plan was that the earth be filled with His glory.

Deuteronomy 4:27; 7:6; 14:2; 26:19: God selected Israel as His witness, but because of sin they would later be scattered and suffer at the hands of their enemies.

Deuteronomy 18:9; 30:19: God warned Israel not to follow the ways of other nations and called them to choose the way of life.

Deuteronomy 28:9-10: God's desire was that through Israel all peoples of the earth would recognize His power.


Joshua Through Esther

To the world, Israel is an insignificant people. But the Biblical view of Israel is quite different. It is the nation through which God works to reveal His plan for the world. The Old Testament books of history record the experiences of Israel as they served in this capacity.

When Israel was obedient to God, she was delivered from the hand of enemies. This served as a witness to the saving power of God. (See Psalms 66:1-7; Isaiah 52:10). When Israel was disobedient to God, the judgments He sent were also a witness to His reality (Psalms 145:17). Whether God dealt with Israel in love or judgment, He continued to reveal Himself through them to the nations of the world.

Here are some references from the books of history that will increase your understanding of God's plan for the world:

Joshua 2:11; 3:11: God is Lord of all the Heaven and earth.

Joshua 4:23-24: God dried up the Jordan River so the people of the earth might recognize His hand.

Joshua 23:3,9,12,13: God warned Israel to be separate from the heathen nations and serve as His witness among them.