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Developing A Biblical World View

Judges 2:21-22: God tested Israel to see if they would do as He commanded them. The book of Judges records their repeated failures to do so.

Ruth 1:16: The God of the Jews was to become the God of the Gentiles also.

I Samuel 17:46: When David met Goliath, he claimed victory so all the earth would know there was a God in Israel.

II Samuel 22:50-51: God was praised by David so that all nations would glorify Him.

I Kings 8:23,43: After the Kingdom of Israel was established, King Solomon asked that "all people on the earth may know Thy name, so fear Thee, as do Thy people Israel."

I Kings 8:43,53,60: These verses reflect God's continued desire that the earth come to the knowledge of His plan.

II Kings 19:15-19: Deliverance was sought so that all the earth would know the true God.

I Chronicles 16:23-24,31: God's glory was to be declared among the nations.

I Chronicles 16:35: Deliverance from the heathen is sought so God will be glorified.

II Chronicles 6:32-33: All peoples of the earth should have opportunity to know God.

II Chronicles 6:14; 20:6; 32:13: God is exalted as the one true God of the world.

II Chronicles 16:9: God views the world with a special desire in His heart.

Ezra 1:2; 5:11: Cyrus was to build a temple at Jerusalem to honor God before all the earth.

Nehemiah 6:16: The purpose of Nehemiah's project was greater than building a wall. It was to demonstrate the reality of God's power and the certainty of His plan.

Nehemiah 9:6-7: God is proclaimed as Lord of all the earth.

Esther 4:14: Esther was raised up for the special purpose of preserving the nation of Israel which Satan planned to destroy.