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Developing A Biblical World View

Luke 13:28-29: Jesus taught of the gathering of all nations at the end of time.

John 3:16-18; 12:47; 17:6; 18:37: These verses identify His purposes for coming into the world.

John 6:33-51: Jesus said He was the bread of life for "any man" and He would give His flesh for the life "of the world.”

John 7:7: Jesus spoke of the sinful condition of the world.

John 8:12: Jesus presented Himself as the light of the world. (See also 9:5 and 12:46).

John 8:23, 26: Jesus said He was not of the world but was sent to the world to speak God's message.

John 12:47: Jesus said He came to save the world.

John 10:1-16: This passage predicts the Gospel would be preached to the Gentile nations, "sheep" not of the fold of Israel. Lines of separation would be removed as all people became "sheep of one fold."

John 12:20-36: Jesus said He would draw all men to Himself by dying for the sins of the world. He would draw men and women from every part of the world.

John 15:18-19; 16:33; 17:14-16: Just as Jesus was rejected, so His followers would experience rejection by the world.

John 16:8: When the Holy Spirit came, He would reprove [convict] the world of sin.


Jesus told many parables during His earthly ministry. Parables are natural examples used to illustrate spiritual truths. They have been called "earthly stories with heavenly meanings." In parables Jesus revealed more about God's plan for the world:

The Good Samaritan: (Luke 10)

The people of Israel did not have good relationships with the Samaritan people. The question "Who is my neighbor" had long been discussed among the religious leaders. This story taught the proper attitude towards those of other cultures.