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Developing A Biblical World View

The Prodigal Son: (Luke 15)

The attitude of the elder brother in this story was like that of the religious leaders in Israel at the time of Jesus. They did not want the love of God extended to other nations. They resented the fact that those of other nations would come to know the salvation of God.

If we are critical of Israel, we must remember that many in the modern church have this same attitude. We rest securely in the blessings of the Gospel with little concern about those still in heathen darkness without Jesus.

The Great Feast: (Luke 14:16-24)

This story reveals Israel was given the first opportunity to enter the Kingdom, but rejected the invitation. The call would now go out to all those in the "highways and hedges" of the world.

The Husbandmen: (Matthew 21:34-44)

Jesus revealed that Israel was intended to be keepers of God's vineyard, but failed in this responsibility.

The Wheat And The Tares: (Matthew 13:36-43)

The field in this parable represented the world. The Word of God is to be scattered throughout the entire world. At the end of the world, the spiritual crop it has produced will be reaped by God.

The Sower: (Mark 4)

The seed, which is the Word of God, is to be scattered throughout the fields of the world. It will fall on many types of spiritual soil and produce different results.

Spread Of The Kingdom: (Matthew 13)

Jesus used several parables to illustrate how the Gospel of the Kingdom would spread throughout the world. Read the stories of the grain of mustard seed, the leaven, the candle, the net, the hidden treasure, the pearl of great price, and the householder in Matthew 13.


Because Israel refused the message brought by Jesus, the Lord used many examples to illustrate the seriousness of their rejection.