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Developing A Biblical World View


There are thousands of ethnic or people groups around the world that are presently without a vital, witnessing Gospel church. Within these ethnic groups are millions of people. These unreached people groups can be grouped together in five major categories:


Tribal groups represent thousands of individuals with varying cultural and language differences. Most of them are called "animists," which means they worship various spirit beings other than the true God. These spirits include demons and false gods often represented by idols of wood, metal, or other material substances.


Muslims follow the religion of Islam and the teaching of the Koran. The Muslim people are found largely in Central Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, but with the recent spread of Islam multitudes are found around the entire world. There are millions of people within the various ethnic groups of the Muslim world.


The Hindus are concentrated mainly in the nation of India, but are also scattered throughout various nations of the world. With its temples, ceremonies, idolatry, and numerous false gods, Hinduism holds millions in spiritual bondage.


The Chinese people represent another large category of unreached people. Many of these Chinese people groups are scattered throughout the world, in addition to the millions of unreached groups in China.


The fifth major category of unreached peoples are the Buddhists. There are many differences between the Buddhist groups scattered throughout Eastern Asia, but they are linked together by idolatry, spirit worship, and demonism.