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Developing A Biblical World View


Why are all these people yet unreached with the Gospel? Where are the laborers?

Many Christian workers want to labor in the big churches where they have many material advantages and adequate financial support. Some do not want to leave their home and families to work in difficult circumstances in other cultures. Others have never really caught the Biblical world vision.

When God views the world, He sees a great gap. It is the gap between sinful man and a righteous God. But God also sees another gap. It is the gap in the harvest fields of the world. The harvest is ready, but there are few laborers.

Millions of people stand in this gap. They are ready to be harvested for God with the Gospel message. God says:

And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none. (Ezekiel 22:30)

When you fully understand the Biblical world view, you will realize you are called to stand in this gap. It is the call of all true believers.


One factor that has hindered the spread of the Gospel is that in recent years 60% of the nations have closed to the traditional methods of spreading the Gospel. When a country is closed, it means they no longer accept missionaries from other nations and, in many cases, they have passed laws governing the religion of their people. In some nations it is against the law to convert people to Christianity.

Why do nations close their doors to the Gospel? Because Satan causes leaders of nations to. . .

-Adopt an atheistic philosophy which does not acknowledge the existence of God. Leaders of such nations do not want anyone teaching their people about the true and living God.

-Establish a strong national religion. Government leaders of such nations do not want their people to convert to Christianity. They want them to accept the national religion, so they make laws prohibiting the spread of the Gospel and the entrance of missionaries into their nation.

-Adopt a political philosophy that isolates them from other nations which send out missionaries and close their borders to the Gospel. Satan inspires such political isolation and disharmony between nations to hinder the spread of the Gospel.