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Developing A Biblical World View

What were the results of this "every person" and "every home" strategy in the early Church? They reached their world with the Gospel. The enemies of the Church themselves declared:

These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also. (Acts 17:6)

What would be the results if every believer followed this pattern today?

Study the chart on the following page. This chart uses the period of a year as the average time necessary to win and train a new convert and make him a reproductive believer. In reality, the process could take more or less time, depending on the people involved. But using a year as an average, if each believer would reach just one person each year, disciple them, and have them pledge to disciple one person each following year, the world could easily be reached with the Gospel.

Observe on the chart that during the first year the believer wins and disciples [trains] one person. At the end of that year, there are now two faithful men [the believer and the person he has discipled]. During the next year, each of them disciple one person. At the end of the second year, there is a total of four people, each of whom will disciple one person the following year. Much of the population of the world is yet unreached by the Gospel. But God has provided a strategy that, if employed by each professing believer, would easily complete the task of spreading the Gospel of the Kingdom.