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Developing A Biblical World View

5. Begin to use your spiritual gifts. "Ministry Of The Holy Spirit," a Harvestime International Institute course, will guide you in this discovery.

6. Join the committee for evangelism in your church. If they do not have one, start one! Chapter Ten "For Further Study" section will assist you in doing this.

7. Establish contact with those spreading the Gospel in other nations. Write to missionaries on the field. Ask them to stay in your home when in your area. Learn from their experiences. You will benefit from these contacts as they communicate their burden, needs, and victories to you.

8. Seek further training to prepare yourself to reach the world. Send for a catalog of Harvestime International Institute courses to assist you in such preparation.

9. Share what you have learned with others. Join or form a small group of World Christians to learn about the world and act on this knowledge. Chapter Ten of this manual will help you do this.

10. Begin an organized program of systematic giving of your personal finances to help spread the Gospel. Examine your lifestyle. What adjustments can you make in order to free more of your finances to go to the work of the Lord?

11. Obtain your passport! God may want to send you to another nation to share the Gospel.


Every believer is called to share the Gospel with others right where they are. But some will receive a special call from God to go to another culture or enter full-time ministerial positions as pastors, evangelists, missionaries, etc. There are certain principles by which you can be sure of the calling God gives you and the harvest field to which He sends you.

Ask yourself these questions:

1. Does what you desire to do agree with God's general plan as set forth in His Word? Is it Scriptural and does it contribute towards the goal of reaching the world with the Gospel?

2. Do the circumstances of your life agree with what seems to be the leading of God? Do not be led by circumstances alone, but examine these in terms of what you believe to be your calling from God.

3. Does the Holy Spirit bear continual witness with your spirit that this is the will of God? Lack of peace in your spirit is often a warning sign that you are making a wrong decision.