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Developing A Biblical World View


1. Present yourself a living and sanctified sacrifice to the Lord (Romans 12:1-2).

2. Be sure there is no sin which will interfere with your spiritual hearing or eyesight (Ephesians 1:18; Colossians 1:9).

3. Eliminate preconceived personal plans and ambitions (Psalms 25:9).

4. Form the habit of daily prayer and Bible study (Joshua 1:8; Psalms 77:12; 119:15,25,45).

5. Wait patiently on the Lord and expect Him to direct every step of your everyday life and activities. He will make His will and calling sure (Proverbs 3:6; Psalms 23:3; 32:8; 37:5,7).

Remember, no time is ever lost in waiting for God to reveal His plan for you. Joseph waited in prison for two years, but then emerged to save a nation. Moses waited on the desert for 40 years, but emerged to lead a nation in a great spiritual exodus from slavery to freedom.

6. Obtain the Harvestime International Institute course entitled "Knowing God's Voice" to study as you prepare yourself to answer God’s call.


1. Obey God daily in the little things of everyday life (Luke 19:17; I Samuel 15:22). If you are not faithful over the little things God gives you to do right where you are, He will not entrust a greater call or ministry to you (Matthew 25:14-30). Look around your village or city with "spiritual" eyes. Ask God to show you those in need of the Gospel. The Harvestime International Institute course, "Environmental Analysis," will help you do this. Reach out in evangelism to those in your area. The Harvestime International Institute courses, "Multiplication Methodologies" and "Leaven-like Evangelism," will assist you in becoming part of God's plan right where you are.

2. Be willing to go and be used anywhere by God (John 7:17). This might mean leaving your own area and going to another culture to spread the Gospel. It might mean just walking down the street to share the Gospel with someone in need.

3. Continue to study the spiritual needs of the world to further develop your spiritual vision (John 4:35). Read books on the subject and take short trips which will expose you to people of other cultures. Attend mission conferences offered in your area.

4. Spend time in prayer for the nations of the world and laborers in the harvest fields (Matthew 9:37-38). Chapter Nine of this course provides an organized plan for doing this.