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The Disciples of Jesus


Also known as
-Simon bar Jonas, meaning "Simon, son of Jonah".
-Simon Peter.
-His original occupation was a fisherman: Matthew 4:18-22.
-He was the son of Jonas: John 1:42.
-He lived in Capernaum: Matthew 8:5-14.
-He had a wife, a mother-in- law, and a house: Matthew 8:14.
-He was the brother of Andrew: Matthew 4:18.
-He was the first to really understand who Jesus was: Matthew 16:16-19.
-Peter always thought he knew best: Matthew 16:22-23;51.
-He was a slow learner: Matthew 15:15-16.

-He asked more questions than all the other disciples combined: Matthew 15:15;18:21; 19:27; Mark 11:21; 13:3; John 21:20-22.

-He usually was the one to answer questions asked by Jesus: Luke 8:45; Matthew 16:15-16.
-He witnessed the transfiguration: Mark 9:1-8.
-He helped prepare the upper room for the Last Supper: Luke 22:8.
-He was one of two disciples who followed Jesus through His trials and crucifixion: Matthew 26:51.
-He denied the Lord, but was later restored to fellowship: Matthew 26:69-74.
-Peter changed dramatically after the day of Pentecost and became a leader in the early church: Acts 2.
-He was imprisoned for preaching the Gospel and delivered by an angel: Acts 12:3-19.
-He ministered cross-culturally: Acts 2-12.
-Peter wrote two epistles which bear his name.
-Historical records indicate that he was martyred by crucifixion.
-Scriptural references to Peter/Simon Peter
Matthew 4:18
Matthew 10:2
Matthew 14:28-29
Matthew 15:15
Matthew 16:16-18, 22-23
Matthew 17:1,4,24-26
Matthew 18:21
Matthew 19:27
Matthew 26:33-37,40,58,69,73,75
Mark 1:16, 29,36
Mark 3:16
Mark 5:37
Mark 8:29,32-33
Mark 9:2,5
Mark 10:28
Mark 11:21
Mark 13:3
Mark 14:19,37,54,66-67,70,72
Mark 16:7
Luke 5:4-5,8,10,37
Luke 6:14
Luke 7:40,43,44
Luke 8:45,51
Luke 9:20,28,32-33
Luke 12:41
Luke 18:28
Luke 22:8,31,34,54-55,58,60-62
Luke 24:12,34
John 1:40-42,44
John 6:8,68
John 13:6,8-9,24,36-37
John 18:10-11,15-18, 25-27
John 20:2-4,6
John 21:2, 3,7,11,15-17,20
Acts 1:13,15
Acts 2:14,37-38
Acts 3:1,3-4,6,11-12
Acts 4:13,19
Acts 5:3,8-9,15,29
Acts 8:14,20
Acts 9:32,34,38-40,43
Acts 10:5-6,9,13-14,17-19,21,23,25-26,32,34,44-46,
Acts 11:2,4,7,13
Acts 12:3,5-7,11,13-14,16,18
Acts 15:7
Galatians 1:18
Galatians 2:7-8, 11,14
1 Peter 1:2
2 Peter 1:1



Adapted from Commands of Jesus by Harvestime International.