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The Disciples of Jesus


His original occupation is unknown.
The first three gospels only mention Philip's name. John makes additional references to him
-He was the first person to whom Jesus said "Follow me": John 1:43-46.
-He brought Nathanael to Jesus: John 1:45-46.
-He was questioned by Jesus regarding provision for a hungry multitude: John 6:5-7.
-He arranged a meeting between the Greeks and Jesus: John 12:20-22.
-He opens the dialogue with Jesus in the upper room: John 14:8-11.
-He ministered in Phyrgia.
-Historical records indicate that he was martyred.
-Scriptural references to Philip:
Matthew 10:3
Mark 3:18
Luke 3:1
Luke 6:14
John 1:43-48
John 6:5,7
John 12:21-22
John 14:8-9
Acts 1:13



Adapted from Commands of Jesus by Harvestime International.