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John, Chapter 3


• “You” in v. 7 is plural.

• Baptism was practiced by the ascetic Essenes (such as John the Baptist) as an act of repentence, and would have been known to Nicodemus.


1) Who did Nicodemus initially think Jesus was? (Is Jesus saying in v. 3 that Nicodemus could see the kingdom of God?)

2) Why might Nicodemus have come to Jesus at night? Do you think Jesus was referring to this in v. 20? How do you think vv. 19-21 impacted Nicodemus?

3) What do you think Nicodemus was hoping Jesus would say in answer to his question in v. 2? After their discussion how do you think Nicodemus might have felt about Jesus?

4) Has there been a time when you felt that God hasn't given you the answer you were hoping for? What was the outcome? Why might God do this?

5) Jesus makes several statements to Nicodemus that don’t seem to follow.

a. Why do you think that Jesus moves the conversation into a discussion of being “born-again”? Clearly to have eternal life you must be “born again”. How would you have answered Nicodemus?

b. Have you been born again? Do you tell others that you are born-again? What does our culture say about being “born again”? Let's list the characteristics of babies. What are the parallels for new Christians?

6) Jesus says, “The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” Is he saying that Christians, like the Spirit, move in mysterious ways? Who is Jesus referring to when he says these things? Why is he saying this to Nicodemus?


7) What is the giving of the Spirit mentioned in v. 34? What does it mean to have the spirit “without limit” – does that mean an unlimited number of people or unlimited per person? Are we filled “without limit” too or is this something special that only Jesus had? What might limit the Spirit? (See for example 1 Thess 5:16-22)