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John Chapter 4

1. What does John call Jesus in verse 36?

2. Whose disciples are these two men?

3. Who followed Jesus?

4. What did these disciples call Jesus?

5. What does it mean?

6. What question did they ask Jesus?

7. Who was the disciple who was named?

8. Who was his brother?

9. What did Andrew tell his brother about Jesus?

10. Who did Jesus call Simon?

11. What does Cephas mean?

12. Who did Jesus find in Galilee?

13. What did Jesus say to him?

14. What town was he from?

15. Who did Philip go and find?

16. What did he tell him about Jesus?

17. Who does Philip believe Jesus is?

18. What makes us think he was still looking at the flesh?

19. Nathanael said, "Can there any good thing come out of _________".

20. When Jesus saw Nathanael coming, what did He say to him?

21. How did Jesus add to what He had said to Nathanael in verse 48?

22. Who is the fig tree symbolic of?

23. Nathanael said to Jesus, "Rabbi,_____________________".

24. What were some of the greater things Nathanael would see?

25. He will see heaven open and what happen?