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John 16

1. How will the world treat anyone who has made a stand for Jesus?

2. What is a synagogue?

3. What will these people who put you out of the synagogue think they are doing for God?

4. Who is a good example of someone who persecuted Christians, before he was saved by Jesus?

5. Who was one who was stoned to death for Jesus?

6. In verse 3, why did these self-righteous people do this?

7. Why didn't Jesus tell them this earlier?

8. What did Jesus tell them that they had not asked Him?

9. When do you start missing someone?

10. Why had sorrow filled their hearts?

11. Why were the disciples not asking whither Jesus was going?

12. Why was it expedient for Jesus to go away?

13. Who will Jesus send?

14. If there were no cross, there would be no _____________________.

15. When He comes, what will He reprove the world of?

16. What does the word reprove mean here?

17. What sin is mentioned in verse 9?

18. Who is the prince of this world?

19. Why did Jesus not tell them more then?

20. Who will guide you into all truth?

21. Who will the Holy Spirit speak of?

22. Who will the Holy Spirit glorify?

John 16: 15-33

1. All things that the Father has are ____________________________.

2. In verse 16, what does Jesus mean by a little while, and ye shall not see me?

3. What question were the disciples asking each other?

4. What was He trying to convey to them in verse 17?

5. In verse 19, we see that Jesus even knows what our ____________ are.

6. When the world is rejoicing, what will the disciples be doing?

7. What will their sorrow be turned into?

8. Why does a woman in travail have sorrow?

9. What does she forget as soon as the child is born?

10. When they nailed Jesus to the cross, did He suffer pain?

11. In II Timothy 3:12, we find that all who will live godly in Christ Jesus ______________________ __________________.

12. Who will be able to take their joy away?

13. Who do you pray to?

14. What name must you use for God to answer?

15. What does Verily, verily show us?

16. "...ask, and ye shall receive, that your ______________________ may be ____________________."

17. In I John 2:1, who is our advocate with the Father?

18. Hebrews 7:25, says who is our intercessor?

19. How had Jesus spoken to them in the past?

20. How would He now speak to them?

21. Who prays to the Father for us?

22. Why does the Father love us?

23. In I John 4:9, how did God show His love for us?

24. What does propitiation mean?

25. Whom had Jesus come from?

26. Name two sets of names Jesus is known by that shows His eternity?

27. Where do we find the Scriptures that explain the difference in a natural body and a spiritual body?

28. In verse 30, the disciples said they now understood what about Jesus?

29. What does Jesus prophecy will happen to them when He is captured and crucified?

30. Who will be with Jesus to the end?

31. In the world ye shall have __________________________.

32. Jesus says be of good cheer: I have overcome the ______________.