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John 17

1. Why does the world hate them?

2. What does Jesus pray the believers will be kept from?

3. Why is it necessary to keep Christians in the world?

4. In II Peter 3:9, we read why Jesus' return has been delayed. What is it?

5. Why are Christians not of the world?

6. How are we sanctified?

7. "...thy word is ___________________________."

8. Jesus was sent into the world and then sent who?

9. What was the great commission Jesus gave believers?

10. What one word tells us what we are to do until Jesus comes back?

11. Our holiness is because of what?

12. In verse 20, we find that this prayer is for whom?

13. Why did Thomas believe, in John 20:29?

14. Who is more blessed than Thomas?

15. What does verse 21 say that Jesus wants all believers to be?

16. What helps the world to believe?

17. What is wrong with various denominations of believers fighting?

18. In verse 22, who gave Jesus His glory?

19. All who believe will be what relation to Jesus?

20. Romans 9:17, says we will be what with Jesus?

21. How can they be made perfect?

22. What does Romans 8:9 tell us?

23. How long had the Father loved Jesus?

24. What did Jesus buy His bride with?

25. Who are the white robed people who stand around the throne?

26. What adjective was the Father called by in verse 25?

27. Why did God turn away from Jesus on the cross?

28. Whose name did Jesus declare to us?

29. What is the most dramatic power Jesus will show them?