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New Testament Survey

Part One: A Charge To Timothy
Preserve Sound Doctrine
I Timothy 1:3-20

I. Preserve the purity of the Gospel: I Timothy 1:3-11

A. The charge: I Timothy 1:3-4
1. Teach no other doctrine: I Timothy 1:3
2. Do not give heed to fables: I Timothy 1:4
3. Do not give heed to genealogies: I Timothy 1:4
B. The aim of the charge: Charity: I Timothy 1:5
1. Out of a pure heart.
2. Of a good conscience.
3. Of faith unfeigned.
C. The reason for the charge: I Timothy 1:6-11
1. Some have turned aside to vain jangling: I Timothy 1:6
2. They desire to be teachers but have no understanding: I Timothy 1:6
3. They use the law improperly: I Timothy 1:8-11
a. The law is good if it is used properly: I Timothy 1:8
b. The law was not made for the righteous: I Timothy 1:9
c. The law was made for the lawless: I Timothy 1:9-10
(l) The disobedient: I Timothy 1:9
(2) Ungodly: I Timothy 1:9
(3) Sinners: I Timothy 1:9
(4) Unholy: I Timothy 1:9
(5) Profane: I Timothy 1:9
(6) Murderers: I Timothy 1:9
(7) Whoremongers: I Timothy 1:10
(8) Them that defile themselves with mankind: I Timothy 1:10
(9) Men stealers: I Timothy 1:10
(10) Liars: I Timothy 1:10
(11) Perjured: I Timothy 1:10
(12) Any others contrary to sound doctrine: I Timothy 1:10
4. The law must be harmonized with the Gospel: I Timothy 1:11

II. Paul's relation to the Gospel: I Timothy 1:12-17

A. Thanksgiving for his call into God's service: I Timothy 1:12
1. His call was from Jesus: I Timothy 1:12
2. He was enabled by Jesus: I Timothy 1:12
3. He was counted faithful: I Timothy 1:12
4. He was put in the ministry: I Timothy 1:12