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New Testament Survey

B. The description of the one called: I Timothy 1:13
1. He was a blasphemer: I Timothy 1:13
2. He was a persecutor: I Timothy 1:13
3. He was injurious: I Timothy 1:13
4. But he obtained mercy because he did it ignorantly in unbelief: I Timothy 1:13
C. The explanation for his appointment: I Timothy 1:13-26
1. Due to God's grace: I Timothy 1:13-14
2. To make him an example to others: I Timothy 1:15-16
D. Paul's praise for his relationship to the Gospel: I Timothy 1:17

III. Review of the charge of Timothy: I Timothy 1:18-20

A. The committing of the charge: I Timothy 1:18
B. The work of Timothy: I Timothy 1:18-19
1. War a good warfare: I Timothy 1:18
2. Hold faith: I Timothy 1:29
3. Have a good conscience: I Timothy 1:29-20
a. Warning concerning certain men who have lost faith and

conscience: I Timothy 1:29

b. Hymenaeus and Alexander who have been delivered to Satan:

I Timothy 1:20

Part Two:
Organization And Administration Of The Church
I Timothy 2:1-3:13

I. Prayer: I Timothy 2:1-8

A. The duty of prayer: I Timothy 2:1
B. The nature of prayer: I Timothy 2:1
1. Supplication.
2. Prayers.
3. Intercessions.
4. Giving of thanks.
C. The scope of prayer: I Timothy 2:1-2
1. For all men: I Timothy 2:1
2. For kings: I Timothy 2:2
3. For all in authority: I Timothy 2:2
D. The results of prayer: I Timothy 2:2-3
1. A quiet, peaceable life in godliness and honesty: I Timothy 2:2
2. Approval in God's sight: I Timothy 2:3
E. The mediator of prayer: I Timothy 2:5-7
1. Jesus Christ the Savior: I Timothy 2:5-6
2. By this mediator Paul is ordained as a preacher, apostle, and teacher: I Timothy 2:7