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New Testament Survey

G. Rich: I Timothy 6:9-19
1. The problems of the rich: I Timothy 6:9
a. They fall into temptation.
b. They fall into snares.
c. They engage in foolish and hurtful lusts.
d. They drown in destruction and perdition.
2. The wrong motive of the rich: I Timothy 6:10
a. The love of money.
b. Covetousness which results in erring from the faith and many


3. Response of the minister towards riches: I Timothy 6:11-19
a. Flee these things: I Timothy 6:11
b. Follow after: I Timothy 6:11
(l) Righteousness.
(2) Godliness.
(3) Faith.
(4) Love.
(5) Patience.
(6) Meekness.
c. Fight the good fight of faith: I Timothy 6:12
d. Lay hold on eternal life: I Timothy 6:12
(l) By which you are called.
(2) By which you have a good testimony before others.
e. Keep this commandment: I Timothy 6:13-16
(l) Without spot: I Timothy 6:14
(2) Unrebukeable: I Timothy 6:14
(3) Until the appearing of Jesus: I Timothy 6:14-16
f. Charge them that are rich in this world: I Timothy 6:17-19
(l) That they be not high minded: I Timothy 6:17
(2) Not to trust in uncertain riches but in God: I Timothy 6:17
(3) Do good: I Timothy 6:18
(4) Be rich in good works: I Timothy 6:18
(5) Be ready to distribute to others: I Timothy 6:18
(6) Be willing to communicate: I Timothy 6:18
(7) Lay up an eternal foundation: I Timothy 6:19
(8) Lay hold on eternal life: I Timothy 6:19

IV. Conclusion: I Timothy 6:20-21

A. Keep that which is committed to your trust: I Timothy 6:20
B. Avoid profane and vain babblings: I Timothy 6:20
C. Avoid oppositions which are falsely called "science" through which some have

erred: I Timothy 6:21

D. Grace be with you: I Timothy 6:21