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New Testament Survey

7. Instructions to younger widows not in this group of dedicated older

widows: I Timothy 5:16-17

a. Marry: I Timothy 5:16
b. Bear children: I Timothy 5:16
c. Guide the house: I Timothy 5:16
d. Live beyond reproach: I Timothy 5:16
e. Warning that some have turned aside after Satan: I Timothy 5:17
C. Elders: I Timothy 5:17-25
1. Honor those who rule well: I Timothy 5:17
2. Provide for those who labor full time in this position: I Timothy 5:17-18
3. Those who have not ruled well: I Timothy 5:19-20
a. Accusation must be by more than one witness: I Timothy 5:19
b. They are to be rebuked before the assembly: I Timothy 5:20
D. Miscellaneous: I Timothy 5:21-25
1. Do not be in a hurry in the laying on of hands: I Timothy 5:21
2. Do nothing by partiality: I Timothy 5:21
3. Do not partake in the sins of others: I Timothy 5:22
4. Keep yourself pure: I Timothy 5:22-23
5. Recognize that judgment belongs to God: I Timothy 5:24-25
a. Some sin is judged now, some later: I Timothy 5:24
b. Some good works are apparent now, some later: I Timothy 5:25
E. Servants: I Timothy 6:1-8
1. Honor masters: I Timothy 6:1
2. Do not take advantage of masters who are believers: I Timothy 6:2
F. All men:
1. If they teach contrary to sound doctrine of Jesus they are (3):
a. Proud: I Timothy 6:4.
b. Know nothing: I Timothy 6:4
c. Dispute over questions and strife of words from which come:

I Timothy 6:4-5

(1) Envy: I Timothy 6:4
(2) Strife: I Timothy 6:4
(3) Railings: I Timothy 6:4
(4) Evil surmising: I Timothy 6:4
(5) Perverse disputing of men of corrupt minds and

destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: I Timothy 6:5

2. Withdraw yourself from these type of men: I Timothy 6:5
3. Godliness with contentment is great gain: I Timothy 6:6-7
a. We came into the world without anything: I Timothy 6:7
b. We can take nothing out of the world: I Timothy 6:7
c. We should be content to have our basic needs met: I Timothy 6:8