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New Testament Survey

III. Exhortation to faithful ministry: II Timothy 1:6-2:13

A. Use your spiritual gifts: II Timothy 1:6
B. Have a courageous attitude: II Timothy 1:7-8
1. Do not be fearful: II Timothy 1:7
2. Have a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind: II Timothy 1:7
3. Do not be ashamed of your testimony: II Timothy 1:8
4. Be a partaker of the afflictions of the Gospel according to the power of

God: II Timothy 1:8

C. Recognize your calling: II Timothy 1:9-12
1. It is from God: II Timothy 1:9
2. It is through salvation, not works: II Timothy 1:9
3. It is to accomplish God's purpose: II Timothy 1:9
4. It is through the grace of God: II Timothy 1:9
5. It is based on Jesus Christ: II Timothy 1:10-11
6. It will bring suffering: II Timothy 1:12
7. It is based on eternal values: II Timothy 1:12

IV. Exhortation to sound doctrine: II Timothy 2:13-26

A. Hold it fast: II Timothy 1:13-14
B. The reason for the exhortation: II Timothy 1:15-18
1. The turning away from sound doctrine by those in Asia: Phyge11us and

Hermogenes: II Timothy 1:15

2. The mercy of Onesiphrous: II Timothy 1:16-18
C. The commission of sound doctrine to others: II Timothy 2:1-2
1. To faithful men: II Timothy 2:2
2. Who will be able to teach others: II Timothy 2:2
D. The guarding of sound doctrine like a soldier: II Timothy 2:3-4
1. Endure hardness: II Timothy 2:3
2. Do not get entangled with the affairs of this life: II Timothy 2:4
3. Please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier: II Timothy 2:4
E. Striving for sound doctrine like an athlete: II Timothy 2:5
F. Laboring for sound doctrine like a farmer: II Timothy 2:6
G. The duty regarding sound doctrine: II Timothy 2:7
H. Suffering for sound doctrine: II Timothy 2:8-13
1. Based on the example of Jesus: II Timothy 2:8
2. Suffering does not stop sound doctrine: 2:9
3. If we are dead with him, we will live with him: II Timothy 2:10
4. If we suffer we will reign: II Timothy 2:12
5. If we deny Him, He will deny us: II Timothy 2:12
6. If we believe not, yet He abides faithful: II Timothy 2:13
I. Do not strive over unimportant issues: II Timothy 2:14