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New Testament Survey

J. Study sound doctrine in order to: II Timothy 2:15
1. Be approved by God.
2. Not be ashamed.
3. Rightly divide the word of truth.
K. Shun profane and vain babblings: II Timothy 2:16-18
1. They increase to more ungodliness: II Timothy 2:16
2. Hymenaeus and Philetus are examples of this: II Timothy 2:17-18
L. Establish yourself on the true foundation: II Timothy 2:19
1. In Christ.
2. In righteousness.
M. Be a vessel of honor: II Timothy 2:20-21
N. Flee youthful lusts: II Timothy 2:22
O. Follow after: II Timothy 2:22
1. Righteousness.
2. Faith.
3. Charity.
4. Peace.
5. Godly associates.
P. Avoid foolish and unlearned questions: II Timothy 2:23-26
1. They gender strife: II Timothy 2:23
2. The servant of God must not strive but must: II Timothy 2:24-26
a. Be gentle to all men: II Timothy 2:24
b. Able to teach: II Timothy 2:24.
c. Patient: II Timothy 2:24
d. Instructing in meekness to repentance: II Timothy 2:25-26

V. Exhortation for the last days: II Timothy 3:1-4:8

A. Announcement of coming perilous times: II Timothy 3:1
B. Description of evil men of last days: II Timothy 3:2-7
1. Lovers of their own selves: II Timothy 3:2
2. Covetous: II Timothy 3:2
3. Boasters: II Timothy 3:2
4. Proud: II Timothy 3:2
5. Blasphemers: II Timothy 3:2
6. Disobedient to parents: II Timothy 3:2
7. Unthankful: II Timothy 3:2
8. Unholy: II Timothy 3:2
9. Without natural affection: II Timothy 3:3
10. Trucebreakers: II Timothy 3:3
11. False accusers: II Timothy 3:3
12. Incontinent: II Timothy 3:3
13. Fierce: II Timothy 3:3
14. Despisers of those that are good: II Timothy 3:3
15. Traitors: II Timothy 3:4