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New Testament Survey

K. Reprove, rebuke, exhort with long suffering and doctrine: II Timothy 4:2-4
1. This is necessary because the time will come when they will not endure

sound doctrine: II Timothy 4:3

2. They will want teachers who teach what they want to hear: II Timothy 4:3
3. They will turn away from the truth: II Timothy 4:4
4. They will be turned unto fables: II Timothy 4:4
L. Watch in all things: II Timothy 4:5
M. Endure affliction: II Timothy 4:5
N. Do the work of an evangelist: II Timothy 4:5
O. Make full proof of your ministry: II Timothy 4:5

VI. Conclusion: II Timothy 4:6-22

A. Paul's testimony: II Timothy 4:6-8
1. He is ready and facing death: II Timothy 4:6
2. He has fought a good fight: II Timothy 4:7
3. He has finished the plan for his life: II Timothy 4:7
4. He has kept the faith: II Timothy 4:7
5. There is a reward laid up for him: II Timothy 4:8
6. There is a reward laid up for those who follow his example: II Timothy 4:8
B. A request for Timothy to come: II Timothy 4:9-13
1. The request to come: II Timothy 4:9
2. The reason: II Timothy 4:10-12
3. Instructions for what to bring: II Timothy 4:13

VII. Paul's trials: II Timothy 4:14-18

A. The evil done by Alexander: II Timothy 4:14-15
B. Paul had to stand alone at first: II Timothy 4:16
C. But God stood with him through the trial: II Timothy 4:17
D. God will stand with him in future trials: II Timothy 4:18

VIII. Conclusion: II Timothy 4:19-22

A. Salutations to Prisca, Aquila, and the household of Onesiphrous: II Timothy 4:19
B. News regarding Paul's companions: II Timothy 4:20
C. A final appeal for Timothy to come: II Timothy 4:21
D. Special greetings: II Timothy 4:21
E. Benediction: II Timothy 4:22