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New Testament Survey

16. Heady: II Timothy 3:4
17. High minded: II Timothy 3:4
18. Lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God: II Timothy 3:4
19. Having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof: II Timothy 3:5
20. Creep into houses and lead captive silly women: II Timothy 3:6
21. Laden with sins: II Timothy 3:6
22. Led away with lust: II Timothy 3:6
23. Ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of truth: II Timothy 3:7
C. Jannes and Jambres as an example of such evil men: II Timothy 3:8
1. Withstood Moses.
2. Resisted the truth.
3. Men of corrupt minds.
4. Reprobate concerning the faith.
D. The limitation on such evil men: II Timothy 3:9
1. They will proceed no further.
2. Their folly will be made manifest to all.
E. Persecution in the last days: II Timothy 3:10-12
1. Paul as an example of one who has borne persecution: II Timothy 3:10-11
a. His doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, long suffering,

charity, and patience endured the persecution: II Timothy 3:10

b. God delivered him from persecution in Antioch, Iconium, and

Lystra: II Timothy 3:11

2. All who live godly will suffer persecution: II Timothy 3:12
F. Deteriorating conditions of the last days: II Timothy 3:13
1. Evil men and seducers shall wax worse: II Timothy 3:13
2. They will deceive others: II Timothy 3:13
3. They will be deceived themselves: II Timothy 3:14
G. The response of the minister to the conditions of the last days: II Timothy 3:14-4:5
1. Continue in sound doctrine: II Timothy 3:14-15
2. Be established in the Scriptures: II Timothy 3:15-17
a. They will make you wise unto salvation through faith in Jesus:

II Timothy 3:15

b. They were given by inspiration of God: II Timothy 3:16
c. They are profitable: II Timothy 3:16
(l) For doctrine.
(2) For reproof.
(3) For correction.
(4) For instruction in righteousness.
d. The Word results in perfection: II Timothy 3:17
e. The Word results in equipping for good works: II Timothy 3:17
H. Hold the sacred charge: II Timothy 4:1
I. Preach the Word: II Timothy 4:2
J. Be ready in season and out: II Timothy 4:2