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New Testament Survey

II. Purpose: "For this cause left I thee in Crete": Titus 1:5

A. To set things in order.
B. To establish church structure under Paul's direction.

III. Leaders in the church: Titus 1:6-16

A. Their qualifications: Titus 1:6-9:
1. Blameless: Titus 1:6-7
2. The husband of one wife: Titus 1:6
3. In control of his home with faithful, obedient children: Titus 1:6
4. A good steward: Titus 1:7
5. Not soon angry: Titus 1:7
6. Not given to wine: Titus 1:7
7. Not self-willed: Titus 1:7
8. Not a striker: Titus 1:7
9. Not given to filthy lucre (money gained by dishonest means): Titus 1:7
10. A lover of hospitality: Titus 1:8
11. A lover of good men: Titus 1:8
12. Sober: Titus 1:8
13. Just: Titus 1:8
14. Holy: Titus 1:8
15. Temperate: Titus 1:8
16. Doctrinally sound: Titus 1:9
17. Man of the Word: Titus 1:9
B. The necessity for their qualifications: Titus 1:9-16
1. To be able to reprove erring believers by sound doctrine: Titus 1:9,13
2. These erring believers described: Titus 1:10-16
a. Unruly: Titus 1:10
b. Vain talkers: Titus 1:10
c. Deceivers: Titus 1:10
d. Subvert whole houses: Titus 1:11
e. Teach things for money: Titus 1:11
f. Liars: Titus 1:12
g. Evil beasts: Titus 1:12
h. Slow bellied: Titus 1:12
i. Not sound doctrinally: Titus 1:13
j. Heed commandments of men that turn from the truth: Titus 1:14
k. Defiled in mind and conscience: Titus 1:15
l. Unbelieving: Titus 1:15
m. Profess to know God, but in works deny Him: Titus 1:16
n. Abominable: Titus 1:16
o. Disobedient: Titus 1:16
p. Unto every good work reprobate (or void of judgment): Titus 1:16