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New Testament Survey

IV. Different classes in the church: Titus 2:1-3:2
This is the teaching that should be given them (Titus 2:1,15)

A. Older men should be: Titus 2:2
1. Sober.
2. Grave.
3. Temperate.
4. Sound in faith.
5. Charitable.
6. Patient.
B. Older women should be: Titus 2:3-4
1. "Likewise": They should have qualities like those listed for the older

men: Titus 2:3

2. Holy behavior: Titus 2:3
3. Not false accusers: Titus 2:3
4. Not given to much wine: Titus 2:3
5. Teachers of good things: Titus 2:3
6. Teachers of the younger women: Titus 2:4
C. Young women should be: Titus 2:4-8
1. Sober: Titus 2:4
2. Lovers of their husbands: Titus 2:4
3. Lovers of their children: Titus 2:4
4. Discreet: Titus 2:5
5. Chaste: Titus 2:5
6. Keepers at home: Titus 2:5
7. Good: Titus 2:5
8. Obedient to their own husbands, that the Word of God be not

blasphemed: Titus 2:5

D. Young men: Titus 2:6
1. "Likewise": They should develop similar qualities as the young women:

Titus 2:6

2. Sober minded: Titus 2:6
E. All classes of believers: Titus 2:7-8
1. A pattern of good works: Titus 2:7
2. Sound doctrine: Titus 2:7
3. Grave: Titus 2:7
4. Sincere: Titus 2:7
5. Sound speech that cannot be condemned: Titus 2:8
6. Beyond reproach: Titus 2:8