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New Testament Survey

F. Those in service to masters: Titus 2:9-10
1. Obedient: Titus 2:9
2. Please their masters: Titus 2:9
3. Not talking back to them: Titus 2:9
4. Not purloining (stealing): Titus 2:10
5. Shewing good fidelity: Titus 2:10
6. Example of doctrine: Titus 2:10
G. All believers: Titus 2:11-3:2
1. Deny ungodliness and worldly lusts: Titus 2:12
2. Live soberly: Titus 2:12
3. Live righteously: Titus 2:12
4. Live godly: Titus 2:12
5. Look for the return of Jesus: Titus 2:13
6. Live a redeemed life: Titus 2:14
7. Life a holy life: Titus 2:14
8. Align himself with God's people: Titus 2:14
9. Be zealous of good works: Titus 2:14
10. Subject to authorities: Titus 3:1
11. Ready to every good work: Titus 3:1
12. Speak evil of no man: Titus 3:2
13. Not to be brawlers: Titus 3:2
14. Gentle: Titus 3:2
15. Meek: Titus 3:2

V. Additional instructions for church order: Titus 3:3-11

A. Deal with members on the basis of how God dealt with you: Titus 3:3-7
1. In times past you were: Titus 3:3
a. Foolish.
b. Disobedient.
c. Deceived.
d. Serving divers lusts and pleasures.
e. Living in malice and envy.
f. Hateful.
g. Hating one another.
2. But God loved you despite this and: Titus 3:4-7
a. You were saved by His mercy: Titus 3:5
b. You were washed clean: Titus 3:5
c. You were regenerated: Titus 3:5
d. You were renewed of the Holy Ghost: Titus 3:5-6
e. You were justified by grace: Titus 3:7
f. You were made heirs of eternal life: Titus 3:7
B. Maintain good, profitable, and necessary works that are fruitful: Titus 3:8,14