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New Testament Survey


1. Many things about the man Philemon are revealed in this short book. Study the following summary:

-Philemon was a friend:
To Paul in Rome: Philemon 1:2
To Christians in Colosse: Philemon 1:5,7
-He was a man of wealth since he had servants (Philemon 1:15-16) and extra room for guests (Philemon l:22).
-He owed Paul his life: Philemon 1:19
-He had a church in his home: Philemon 1:2
-He was a fellow-laborer with Paul: Philemon 1:1
-He had positive Christian qualities shown by his:
Love: Philemon 1:5
Faith: Philemon 1:5
Communicating of his faith: Philemon 1:6
Refreshing of the saints: Philemon 1:7
Obedience: Philemon 1:21
Prayerfulness: Philemon 1:22
-He apparently visited those in prison, as Paul asked him to salute Epaphras,

fellow-prisoner in bonds in his city: Philemon 1:23

2. Many thing are learned about Paul:

-He was a prisoner: Philemon 1:1
-He was a man of prayer: Philemon 1:4
-He had joy in the midst of bad circumstances: Philemon 1:7
-He did not take advantage of a relationship although he could have: Philemon 1:8-9,13-14,19
-He was reproducing spiritually even in prison: Philemon 1:10
-He was unselfish: Philemon 1:13-14
-He was a man of love: Philemon 1:18-19
-He was a man of faith: Philemon 1:22
-He was a man who cherished relationships: Onesimus, Philemon, and others he salutes

in the chapter.

3. Make a list of things you learn about Onesimus from this chapter.