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New Testament Survey




Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:

  • Name the author of the book of Mark.
  • Identify to whom the book of Mark was written.
  • State the purpose for the book of Mark.
  • Write the Key Verse of the book of Mark from memory.
  • State the Life and Ministry Principle for the book of Mark.



TO WHOM: To all believers, although the first intended audience was the Romans to whom he presents Jesus as a servant.

PURPOSE: To present the ministry of Jesus, stressing His role as a servant and the Son of man.

KEY VERSE: Mark 10:45

LIFE AND MINISTRY PRINCIPLE: We should seek to minister rather than to be ministered to.

MAIN CHARACTERS: Jesus, the twelve disciples


I. The period of preparation: Mark 1:1-13

A. The beginning of the Gospel: Mark 1:1-3
B. The ministry of John the Baptist: Mark 1:4-8
C. The baptism of Jesus: Mark 1:9-11
D. The temptation of Jesus: Mark 1:12-13