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New Testament Survey

II. The Galilean Ministry: Mark 1:14-6:30

A. The beginning of the ministry of Jesus: Mark 1:14-15
B. The call of four fisherman: Mark 1:16-20
C. Healing of a demon possessed man: Mark 1:21-28
D. Healing of Peter's mother-in-law: Mark 1:29-31
E. Growing popularity: Mark 1:32-34
F. The quiet time: Mark 1:35-37
G. The first tour of Galilee: Mark 1:38-39
H. Healing of a leper: Mark 1:40-45
I. Healing of a paralyzed man: Mark 2:1-12
J. The call of Matthew: Mark 2:13-14
K. A celebration, criticism, and reply: Mark 2:15-22
L. The Sabbath controversy: Mark 2:23-3:6
M. Ministry by the sea: Mark 3:7-12
N. The ordaining of the twelve disciples: Mark 3:13-19
O. The zeal of Jesus: Mark 3:20-21
P. The unpardonable sin: Mark 3:22-30
Q. True relationship with Jesus: Mark 3:31-35
R. A series of parables: Mark 4:1-34
l. The parable of the soils: Mark 4:1-20
2. The parable of the lamp: Mark 4:21-25
3. The parable of gradual growth: Mark 4:26-29
4. The parable of the mustard seed: Mark 4:30-34
S. A storm at sea: Mark 4:35-41
T. The healing of a demoniac: Mark 5:1-20
U. The daughter of Jarius and the woman with the issue of blood: Mark 5:21-43
V. Rejection at Nazareth: Mark 6:1-6
W. The mission of the twelve disciples: Mark 6:7-13
X. The death of John the Baptist: Mark 6:14-29
Y. The report of the twelve: Mark 6:30

III. The period of withdrawal: Mark 6:31-9:50

A. The feeding of the 5,000: Mark 6:31-46
B. Walking on water: Mark 6:47-52
C. The ministry at Gennesaret: Mark 6:53-56
D. The rebuking of the Pharisees: Mark 7:1-23
E. The Syrophoenician woman: Mark 7:24-30
F. Healing of a deaf mute: Mark 7:31-37
G. Feeding of the 4,000: Mark 8:1-9
H. A demand for a sign: Mark 8:10-13
I. A warning about leaven: Mark 8:14-21
J. Healing of the blind man: Mark 8:22-26
K. An examination and lesson at Caesarea Philippi: Mark 8:27-9:1
L. The transfiguration of Jesus: Mark 9:2-10
M. The problem of Elias: Mark 9:11-13
N. The healing of a demoniac boy: Mark 9:14-29
O. Final teaching in Galilee: Mark 9:30-50