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New Testament Survey

B. Benefits of suffering: James 1:3-4
1. Patience: James 1:3
2. Perfection: James 1:4
3. Entirety (completeness): James 1:4
C. The proper response to suffering: James 1:5
1. Wisdom from God: James 1:5
a. The source of wisdom: God.
b. The availability of wisdom: Through prayer with faith.
c. The need for faith: By all men.
2. Stable faith: James 1:6-7
a. He that wavereth is like a wave of the sea: James 1:6
b. Such a man will receive nothing from the Lord: James 1:7
3. Single minded: James 1:8
4. Right response whether exalted or brought low: James 1:9-11
a. The brother of low degree is to rejoice when exalted: James 1:9
b. The brother of high degree is to rejoice that he is brought low: James 1:10
c. Such levels of life are temporal. They are like grass and flowers

which spring up but wither when the sun rises: James 1:10-11

D. The blessing of suffering: If we endure temptation and trials, we will receive a crown of life

promised by the Lord to those who love Him. James 1:12

E. The source of temptation: James 1:13-18
1. Not God: James 1:13
a. God cannot be tempted with evil: James 1:13
b. God does not tempt man with evil: James 1:13
2. We are tempted when: James 1:14-15
a. We are drawn away of our lust and enticed: James 1:14
b. Lust, conceived, brings forth sin: James 1:15
c. Sin, when it is finished, brings forth death: James 1:15
3. We are to understand that: James 1:16-18
a. God sends only good and perfect gifts: James 1:17
b. God: James 1:17-18
(1) Is the Father of lights: James 1:17
(2) In whom is no variableness: James 1:17
(3) In whom there is no turning: James 1:17
(4) Is the one who begot us with the Word of truth: James 1:18
(5) Desires that we be a kind of first fruits of His creatures: James 1:18