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New Testament Survey

III. Faith at work: James 1:19-4:12

A. Faith makes a change: James 1:19-21
1. What we should be: James 1:19-20
a. Swift to hear: James 1:19
b. Slow to speak: James 1:19
c. Slow to wrath: James 1:19-20
2. What we should lay aside: James 1:21
a. Filthiness.
b. Superfluity of naughtiness.
3. What we should incorporate in our lives: The Word: James 1:21
B. Faith is in doing, not hearing only: James 1:22-25
1. We deceive ourselves if we are hearers only: James 1:22
2. The example of a man looking into a mirror: James 1:23-25
a. The hearer listens and does nothing about it: James 1:23-24
b. The doer responds to the Word: James 1:25
C. Faith is evidenced by control of the tongue: James 1:26-27
1. Even if we seem religious, if we do not control the tongue we are

deceiving ourselves and our religion is vain: James 1:26

2. Pure religion before God is: James 1:27
a. To visit the fatherless.
b. Visit the widows.
c. Keep unspotted from the world.
D. Faith does not show respect of persons: James 2:1-13
1. Respect to be shown equally for both rich and poor: James 2:1-4
2. God chooses the poor of the world, rich in faith, as heirs of the

Kingdom: James 2:5

3. Respect of persons is a poor testimony before the world: James 2:6-7
4. The royal law: Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself: James 2:8
5. Respect of persons is sin: James 2:9
6. Sin and the law: James 2:10-13
E. The faith that saves: James 2:14-26
1. Faith, without works, is dead: James 2:14-17
2. The relation of faith and works: James 2:18
3. Examples of faith and works: James 2:20-25
a. Abraham: James 2:21-24
b. Rahab: James 2:25
4. As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead

also: James 2:26

F. Faith controls the tongue: James 3:1-13
1. The tongue is the most difficult to control: James 3:1-2
2. Examples of natural control: James 3:3-4
a. Bits in horses' mouths: James 3:3
b. Helms in ships: James 3:4
3. The power of the tongue: James 3:5-12
a. Although small, the tongue has great power: James 3:5
b. The tongue is like a fire which ignites or defiles our whole body: James 3:6
c. Every animal is tamed by mankind, but the tongue cannot be

tamed by man: James 5:7-8

d. The tongue can be used to either curse or bless: James 3:9
e. Cursing and blessing should not proceed out of the same mouth: James 5:10-12
f. Control of the tongue is evidence of faith and good works: James 3:13