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New Testament Survey

D. The future of the rich: James 5:1-6
1. They will experience misery: James 5:1
2. Riches will perish: James 5:1-3
3. Their fraud is noted by God: James 5:4
4. They have lived in evil: James 5:5-6
a. In pleasure: James 5:5
b. In the ways of their own heart: James 5:5
c. Condemning and killing the just: James 5:6
E. The believer's preparation for the future: James 5:7-12
1. Wait patiently for the coming of the Lord: James 5:7-8
2. Establish your hearts: James 5:8
3. Do not hold grudges: James 5:9
4. View the prophets as an example of the suffering you will experience: James 5:10
5. Endure with joy, as did Job: James 5:11
6. Do not swear, but mean what you say: James 5:12

V. Faith and Christian relationships: James 5:13-20

A. Response to the afflicted: James 5:13
B. Response to the merry: James 5:13
C. Response to the sick: James 5:14-15
1. Call for the elders of the church: James 5:14
2. Let them anoint and pray over the sick: James 5:14
3. The prayer of faith will save the sick: James 5:15
4. The Lord will raise him up: James 5:15
5. If he has committed sins, they will be forgiven: James 5:15
D. Response to faults in others: James 5:16-18
1. Confess faults to each other: James 5:16
2. Pray for one another, that you may be healed: James 5:16
3. Elias as an example of such effectual prayer: James 5:16-18
E. Response to the erring: James 5:19-20
1. Convert him: James 5:19
2. Save his soul from death: James 5:20
3. Hide a multitude of sins: James 5:21