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New Testament Survey

G. Faith and factions among believers: James 3:14-4:12
1. Division among believers is not of God: James 3:14
2. Wisdom of the world: James 3:15-16
a. Its description: James 3:15
(1) Earthly.
(2) Sensual.
(3) Devilish.
b. Its results: James 3:16
(1) Envy.
(2) Strife.
(3) Confusion.
(4) Every evil work.
3. The wisdom from God is: James 3:17
a. Pure.
b. Peaceable.
c. Gentle.
d. Easily entreated.
e. Full of mercy.
f. Full of good fruits.
g. Without partiality.
h. Without hypocrisy.
4. Faith brings righteousness and peace: James 3:18
5. Divisions come from lust: James 4:1-6
a. Such lust hinders prayer: James 4:2-3
b. It hinders relationship with God: James 4:5-6
6. Correcting divisions: James 4:7-12
a. Submit to God: James 4:7
b. Resist the Devil: James 4:7
c. Draw nigh to God: James 4:8
d. Cleanse and purify yourself: James 4:8
e. Reflect true sorrow and repentance: James 4:9
f. Humble yourselves: James 4:10
g. Do not speak evil of others: James 4:11
h. Do not judge others: James 4:11-12

IV. Faith and the future: James 4:13-5:12

A. We cannot be assured of the future: James 4:13-14
B. Only God knows the future: James 4:15
C. When we boast in the future, it is evil: James 4:16-17