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New Testament Survey


1. James is the only New Testament book addressed to the twelve tribes of Israel: James 1:1

2. James uses several Old Testament characters to illustrate his message:

 -Abraham: James 2:21Rahab: James 2:25Elijah: James 5:17
 -Isaac: James 2:21Job: James 5:11

3. James uses several natural examples to illustrate his message:

-Wind-tossed waves of the sea: James 1:6
-Withering grass and fading flowers: James 1:10-11
-Fire: James 3:5
-Fountains of water: James 3:11
-Figs and olives: James 3:12
-Sowing and harvesting: James 3:18
-Early and latter rains: James 5:7
-Drought: James 5:17

4. Note the repetitions: "Faith without works is dead" in James 2:17,20,26. When the soul is separate from the body, the body decays. In a similar way, faith without works is dead. Faith justifies the man. Works justify the faith.

5. Of the 108 total verses in James, 60 of these are commands for practical Christian living. Mark and study these commands.

6. Study the life of James, the half brother of Jesus, who was the author of this letter. See the following references:

-Matthew 12:46-50
-John 2:12; 7:1-9
-Acts 1:14; 12:17; 15:13; 21:18-26
-I Corinthians 15:7
-Galatians 1:18-19; 2:1, 9-10