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New Testament Survey

7. The teachings in James are similar to the content of the Sermon on the Mount given by Jesus. Complete the following chart:

 Sermon On The MountJamesSummary Of Common Teaching
 Matthew 5:48James 1:4
 Matthew 7:7James 1:5
 Mark 11:23James 1:6
 Matthew 7:24,26James 1:22
 John 13:17James 1:25
 Luke 6:20James 2:5
 Luke 6:24-25James 5:1
 Matthew 7:1James 4:11-12
 Matthew 5:34-37James 5:12
 Matthew 7:16-20James 3:12

8. Compare the two kinds of wisdom discussed in James 3:13-18:

 Wisdom From AboveWisdom Not From Above