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New Testament Survey

B. Description of the enemies of God (false teachers): II Peter 2:1-3,10-19.
1. Bring in damnable heresies: II Peter 2:1
2. Deny the Lord: II Peter 2:1
3. Have pernicious ways: II Peter 2:2
4. Cause the way of truth to be evil spoken of: II Peter 2:2
5. Covetous: II Peter 2:3
6. Speak with feigned words: II Peter 2:3
7. Make merchandise of the people of God: II Peter 2:3
8. Walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness: II Peter 2:10
9. Despise government: II Peter 2:10
10. Presumptuous: II Peter 2:10
11. Self-willed: II Peter 2:10
12. Speak evil against dignities: II Peter 2:10-13
a. They ignore the fact that even angels do not do this: II Peter 2:11
b. They speak evil of things they do not understand: II Peter 2:12
c. For this, they will perish in their own corruption and receive the

reward of unrighteousness: II Peter 2:12-13

13. Spots and blemishes: II Peter 2:13
14. Deceptive members of the fellowship: II Peter 2:13
15. Eyes full of adultery: II Peter 2:14
16. Cannot cease from sin: II Peter 2:14
17. Beguile unstable souls: II Peter 2:14
18. Covetous: II Peter 2:14
19. Cursed children: II Peter 2:14
20. Forsake the right way to follow in the error of Balaam: II Peter 2:15-16
21. Wells without water: II Peter 2:17
22. Clouds carried by a tempest: II Peter 2:17
23. Eternal darkness is reserved for them: II Peter 2:17
24. Speak great swelling words of vanity: II Peter 2:18
25. The target of their lust and wantonness are those cleansed from error: II Peter 2:18
26. Promise liberty although they are in bondage themselves as servants of

corruption: II Peter 2:19.

C. Destiny of the enemies: II Peter 2:20-22
1. Latter end worse than the beginning: II Peter 2:20
2. It had been better for them not to have known righteousness than to

know and turn from it: II Peter 2:21

3. They are like dogs returned to vomit and a sow to the mire: II Peter 2:22

IX. Warning against apostacy: II Peter 3:1-18

A. The definition of apostacy: II Peter 3:1-4
1. Predicted by the prophets: II Peter 3:1-2
2. Apostacy is scoffing at the promise of the coming of Jesus: II Peter 3:4