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New Testament Survey

B. An answer to apostacy: God's dealings with the past, present, and future

worlds: II Peter 3:5-13

1. The condemnation of the former world came to pass despite the scoffers: II Peter 3:5-6
2. The future annihilation of the present world will come to pass: II Peter 3:7-8,10
3. God has His own timetable for fulfilling His plan: II Peter 3:8
4. The most important factor in God's plan is the salvation of lost souls,

not the timing of future events: II Peter 3:9

5. The "day of the Lord" in which He fulfills His plan will come

unexpectedly: II Peter 3:10

6. His plan will culminate with a new creation: II Peter 3:13
C. The believer's response in the face of apostacy: II Peter 3:14-18
1. Be found of Him in peace: II Peter 3:14
2. Without spot: II Peter 3:14
3. Blameless: II Peter 3:14
4. Recognize that the delay in the fulfillment of God's plan is due to His

mercy on the unsaved: II Peter 3:15-16

5. Beware lest you also be led into the error of the wicked and fall: II Peter 3:17
6. Grow in grace: II Peter 3:18
7. Grow in the knowledge of the Lord: II Peter 3:18

X. Conclusion: II Peter 3:18