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New Testament Survey

IV. The ministry in Perea and Judea: Mark 10:1-52

A. A lesson about divorce: Mark 10:1-12
B. The blessing of children: Mark 10:13-16
C. The rich young ruler: Mark 10:17-22
D. A warning on the peril of riches: Mark 10:23-27
E. A discussion concerning rewards: Mark 10:28-31
F. The prediction of Jesus' death: Mark 10:32-34
G. A request for prominence: Mark 10:35-45
H. The healing of Bartimaeus: Mark 10:46-52

V. Events of the final week: Mark 11:1-15:47

A. The royal entry to Jerusalem: Mark 11:1-11
B. Cursing the barren fig tree: Mark 11:12-14
C. Cleansing of the temple: Mark 11:15-19
D. A lesson about faith: Mark 11:20-26
E. A challenge to Christ's authority: Mark 11:27-33
F. The parable of the husbandmen: Mark 12:1-12
G. A question about tribute: Mark 12:13-17
H. The problem of the resurrection: Mark 12:18-27
I. A question about the Great Commandment: Mark 12:28-34
J. A question about the Christ: Mark 12:35-37
K. A warning against Scribes: Mark 12:38-40
L. The widow's mite: Mark 12:41-44
M. Faith for the future: Mark 13:1-37
N. The plot of the Sanhedrin: Mark 14:1-2
O. Dinner in Bethany: Mark 14:3-9
P. The plot of Judas: Mark 14:10-11
Q. The Passover: Mark 14:12-21
R. The Last Supper: Mark 14:22-26
S. Peter's denial foretold: Mark 14:27-31
T. Prayer in Gethsemane: Mark 14:32-42
U. The betrayal and arrest: Mark 14:43-52
V. The Jewish trial: Mark 14:53-65
W. The denials of Peter: Mark 14:66-72
X. The Roman trial: Mark 15:1-21
Y. The crucifixion of Jesus: Mark 15:22-41
Z. The burial of Jesus: Mark 15:42-47