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New Testament Survey




TO WHOM: Christians who were falling into Satanic deception which was breaking their fellowship with God and other believers.

PURPOSE: To explain the standards of true fellowship in Jesus Christ.

KEY VERSE: I John 1:8-9

LIFE AND MINISTRY PRINCIPLE: True fellowship with God and fellow believers is based on the standards of God's Word and maintained by the principle of confession of sin.

MAIN CHARACTERS: The author, John. No other people are mentioned by name.


I. Introduction: I John 1:1-4

A. John is writing about that which he has seen with his eyes, looked upon, and

handled of the Word of life. He is writing from firsthand experience: 1:1

B. The fellowship of which he writes is the true fellowship of believers with God

and one another: I John 1:2-3

C. His purpose in writing on this subject is that their joy might be full by being

established in this fellowship: I John 1:4

II. The conditions for true fellowship in Jesus: I John 1:5-10

A. Conformity to the standard of God's Word: I John 1:5-7
B. Confession of sin: I John 1:8-10

III. The proper conduct of those in the true fellowship of believers: I John 2:1-29

A. The character of proper conduct is imitation of the spiritual example set by

Jesus: I John 2:1-11

1. The principle of imitation: I John 2:1-2
2. The pattern for imitation: I John 2:3-6
3. The proof of proper imitation: I John 2:7-11
B. The commandment upon which conduct is based is separation: I John 2:12-17
1. The believers to which the commandment is addressed includes all

levels of spiritual maturity: I John 2:12-14

2. The commandment is separation from worldliness: I John 2:15-17