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New Testament Survey

C. The creed for our conduct: I John 2:18-29
1. The necessity for a creed: I John 2:18-21
2. The nature of the creed: I John 2:22-29

IV. The characteristics of true Christian fellowship: I John 3:1-24

A. Purity: I John 3:1-3
B. Righteousness and love: I John 3:4-18
C. Confidence: I John 3:19-21
D. Obedience: I John 3:22-24

V. Enemies of the true fellowship of believers: I John 4:1-21

A. False prophets: I John 4:1-6
1. How to recognize them: I John 4:2-3
2. How to overcome them: I John 4:4
3. They are of the world: I John 4:5
4. We are of God: I John 4:6
B. False profession of a loving spirit: I John 4:7-21
1. Perfect love described: I John 4:7-17
2. Perfect love contrasted with a false profession of a loving spirit: I John 4:18-21

VI. The reason for maintaining true fellowship: I John 5:1-21

A. Faith in Jesus is proven by the conduct we exhibit: I John 5:1-5
B. Faith in Jesus is proven by the credentials we exhibit: I John 5:6-12
l. The evidence of the credentials: I John 5:6-8
2. The effect of the credentials: I John 5:9-12
C. Faith in Jesus is proved by the confidence we exhibit: I John 5:13-15
D. Faith in Jesus is proved by conquering sin: I John 5:16-21