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New Testament Survey

IV. The believer's relation to good and evil: III John 1:9-12

A. Diotrephes as an example of evil: III John 1:9
l. Attempted to occupy the leading place.
2. Refused to receive John, God's appointed leader.
3. Slandered the apostles (leadership).
4. Discontented.
5. Excluded other brethren (cliques).
6. Attempted to excommunicate believers who did not want to accept the

leadership set in the church by God.

B. The proper response to such evil: III John 1:11
1. Follow not that which is evil, because he that does evil hath not seen

God: III John 1:11

2. Follow that which is good, for he that doeth good is of God: III John 1:11
C. Demetrius: An example of good: III John 1:12
1. Had a good testimony of all men.
2. Was aligned with the truth of God's Word.
3. Had a good reputation with the God-appointed leadership.

V. Conclusion: III John 1:13-14

A. John had many things to write, but he hoped to come to visit instead: III John 1:13-14
B. He sends: III John 1:14
1. Peace.
2. Salutations from his friends to Gaius and the church.
C. He asks Gaius to greet his friends by name: III John 1:14