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New Testament Survey
TO WHOM: The book is addressed to a man named Gaius. It is written to both him and the church with which he was connected. There is no way to identify who this man was, as the Bible gives no further information on him. The truths of the letter are applicable to all believers.
PURPOSE: To commend Gaius and Demetrius for their Christian testimony and to reprove the unchristian behavior of Diotrephes.
KEY VERSE: III John 1:11
LIFE AND MINISTRY PRINCIPLE: Our lives are examples of either good or evil to others around us.
MAIN CHARACTERS: John, Gaius, Diotrephes, Demetrius
I. Introduction: III John 1:1-2
prospered: III John 1:2
II. The believer's relation to truth: III John 1:3-4
III. The believer's relation to other fellow Christians: III John 1:5-8