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New Testament Survey


Note: The book of Jude has no chapter divisions in the Bible. Therefore, only the verses are listed.

I. Introduction: Greeting: Jude 1:1-2

A. From: Jude: Jude 1:1
1. Brother of James.
2. Bondservant of Jesus Christ.
B. To those: Jude 1:1
1. Sanctified by God.
2. Preserved in Christ.
3. Called.

II. Purpose: Jude 1:3

A. Original purpose: Common salvation.
B. Revised purpose: Exhortation that they earnestly contend for the faith because

of the type of people creeping into the church.

III. Characteristics of "certain men" (false teachers): Jude 1:4

A. Crept in unawares.
B. Ordained to condemnation.
C. Ungodly men.
D. Turning God's grace to lasciviousness.
E. Denying the Lord Jesus Christ.

IV. Three historical records: Jude 1:5-7

A. Israel: Once saved, afterward destroyed: Jude 1:5 (Numbers 13-14 and I Corinthians


B. Angels: Left first estate, reserved in chains: Jude 1:6 (II Peter 2:4)
C. Sodom and Gomorrah: Lust and fornication resulted in punishment by fire:

Jude 1:7 (Genesis 18-19)

V. Description of false teachers: Jude 1:8-10 (continued description from verse 4)

A. Filthy dreamers: Jude 1:8
B. Defile the flesh: Jude 1:8
C. Despise dominion: Jude 1:8
D. Speak evil of dignities: Jude 1:8-10
1. Michael the archangel didn't dare to speak evil against the devil: Jude 1:9
2. These men speak evil of things they know not: Jude 1:10
E. Corrupt natural things: Jude 1:10