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New Testament Survey

VI. Description of these evil men by example: Jude 1:11

A. Gone: The way of Cain: Rejected the blood as necessary for remission of sin:

(Genesis 4)

B. Ran: After the error of Balaam: Ministry for financial gain: (Numbers 22-24)
C. Perished: In the gainsaying of Core: Denying God's designated leadership:

(Numbers 16)

VII. Description of these evil men by metaphor (comparison to natural examples): Jude 1:12-13

A. Spots: Actually means "stones" in your feasts; stone in food: Jude 1:12
B. Waterless Clouds: Promising much but delivering nothing; easily driven this

way and that: Jude 1:12

C. Dead Trees: Without fruit, no roots or stability; twice dead: First in sin and

secondly in hypocrisy: Jude 1:12

D. Wild Waves: Boisterous, noisy, but accomplishing nothing: Jude 1:13
E. Wandering Stars: Look bright, but reserved unto darkness: Jude 1:13

VIII. Future judgment: Jude 1:14-15 (Genesis 5:18-24)

A. The messenger: Enoch: Jude 1:14
B. The message: Jude 1:15
l. Judged by the Lord with 10,000 saints: Jude 1:14
a. For all their ungodly deeds they committed: Jude 1:15
b. For all their hard speeches spoken against Him: Jude 1:15

IX. Description of evil men continued: Jude 1:16

A. Murmurers.
B. Complainers.
C. Walking after their own lusts.
D. Mouth speaking swelling words (boasters).
E. Have respect of persons, thinking some better than others because of wealth,

position, etc.

X. Remember: Jesus warned of these men: Jude 1:17-19

A. Mockers would come in the last time: Jude 1:18
B. They would walk after their own ungodly lusts: Jude 1:18
C. They would separate themselves (groups, cliques): Jude 1:19
D. They would be sensual: Jude 1:19
E. They would not have the Spirit of God: Jude 1:19